Gujarat Information Department has published Latest Issue of Rojgaar Samachar and now it can be downloadable from the below mentioned link. You can click on the download button beside the date and Gujarat rojgar samachar. You can read full articles and latest updates in this magazine.
Gujarat Rozgaar Samachar
Gujarat Information Department publishes Gujarat Rozgaar Samachar on every Wednesday of each month. You can find latest government jobs and quiz and some important articles in this magazine. Enthusiast people can download it on Wednesday every week. We all know that India is a populated country, and it is becoming a headache for people to secure a Government jobs. Govt jobs are not easy to get it. Students have to prepare themselves ahead of time so that they can crack the examinations. In this state, they would need something that would let them know about the available jobs near them. This motivates them to get themselves more prepared and also to fill the forms at a desirable time.
The department of information strives to be the ultimate resource for the government to reach out to the common man through public awareness about the welfare schemes and programs of the state government. To constantly innovate, nurture media relations and incorporate newer means of communication in order to ensure a healthy exchange of information between the government and common public.
Rojgar Samachar October PDF Download (09 October 2024)
Gujarat Rojgar samachar is very important for getting new Government jobs news. this is weekly news paper provide by Gujarat information.for more jobs and career related news plz stay and connected with
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